Thursday, December 06, 2007

Yoga days (daze)

Last night I went to my first Moksha yoga class (and will be taking advantage of the pay-$30-for-your-first-class-and-get-free-classes-for-the-week benefit). The two forms of yoga I've done within the past week have been very different from the Kundalini yoga which I have been doing since 2001. The yoga over the weekend at the retreat was Anusara, which gave me a great experience.

In addition to this, I've been house-sitting since Friday for a friend who is away for a little over a week. Our Kundalini yoga teacher and another practitioner come to her house four mornings a week at 4:30 a.m. to do morning sadhana. Normally I will do yoga on my own when I wake up in the ambrosial hours (amrit vela) ... but this week it has been with them. Having the company heightens the experience - or at least provides a different one.

I wake as usual, bathe, open the front gate for them and am ready for when they arrive at 4:30. We go until about 6:30 a.m., doing warm ups, a kriya and then the Sadhana chants.

My tangible and intangible bodies feel great - stretched, activated and alive.

In addition to all the great yoga energy being generated, I feel like I'm not in Trinidad. Everything feels and looks new. One reason for this is that I have not read newspapers since Thursday last week ... and have no idea what madness is going on in TT. I don't care to know either. In the grocery two days ago my eye fell on a headline screaming out in red: "BEACH TERROR!"

I looked away.

The world is at peace - inside and out.



Blogger Kelly said...

Ah, nice. I have to admit I don't watch the news and don't read the paper. I sometimes read Yes! or one of the news sources that reports good news. Just another way of keeping my personal environment more free of toxins.

8:11 PM  

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