Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tutorial: How to leave comments

The Dream Tree will be one of these - only bigger (a sapling)
I just got off the phone with a friend who told me he wanted to leave a comment on The Dream Tree post but did not want to sign up for a Google account. He is not the first person who has told me they want to leave a comment but, for reasons like that or just not understanding how to, they did not.

Lately I've encountered quite a few people saying this, so I'll explain. It's very simple.
1. Click on the 'Comments' link at the bottom of the post
2. A blank box will appear saying 'Leave your comment'
3. Once you have written your comment, type the letters you see below (e.g. qwszzd) into the blank space for 'Word Verification'. (This is to confirm that you are human)
4. Choose an identity. Here is where people get confused. In order to leave your comment you must click on one option.

(i) If you click on 'Anonymous', your comment will appear as being from Anonymous. (But sometimes people click on Anonymous and still sign their name at the end of the comment they wrote in the comment box.

(ii) If you already have a Google/Blogger account you use that option (e.g. I use that option)

(iii) Name/URL is for people who do not want to be anonymous. These people may or may not have a blog or website (URL). If they do have a web presence and they put the URL, their name will appear as a link to that site. If they just put their name only, it will not appear as a link.

(iv) Open ID is for Live Journal, etc. (as displayed in the drop down menu next to that option). So unless you are one of those, you don't have to worry about it.

Most people therefore will choose the Name/URL option.



Blogger Andreamuse said...

oh boy -- I might borrow this explanation from you! :-)

1:57 PM  
Anonymous kzi said...

nice post..

12:50 AM  
Anonymous emy said...

informasi yang bagus.. trimakasih ya info nya,,
di tunggu postingan selanjutnya

10:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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7:52 AM  

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