You say that two in the bush are worth ONE of these, That the grass here is greener than THAT But what must I do, just tell me please When the bird in the hand has just shat.
Shaking it off your hands was the equivalent of a boy wiping away a girl's kiss. You were meant to close your fingers tightly over it and not wash your hands for a week after. Sheeesh, don't you people know anything about lucky poo??
Beautiful photo, beautiful video. Watching your finger caressing the little baby's back reminded me that I hadn't yet wished you a Happy Mother's Day. For all the dreams that you nurture, all the creations that toddle around your knees until they are strong enough to stand on their own, for your sharing and caring and daring to defend, thank you Mummy Elspeth!!
From the anointing to the Happy creative Mother's Day, thanks for the comments. Birdy Nyum Nyums, I don't think the Dove was insulted that I did not embrace her offering at first ... she was persistent and succeeded in giving me a lot more - mainly on my lap and legs. I eventually took her to Detta's (
I am Elspeth Duncan (Multimedia Artist): writer/columnist, musician, photographer, film maker, interactive conceptual artist, owner of 'Table for Two Made for You', Kundalini Yoga instructor living in Tobago. I create artistic works, productions and experiences to uplift, inspire, shift perspectives and raise awareness in Self and Others. Thank you for being here. Please use the links in the side bar to explore further.
Click here to e-mail me.
E, I think you've been annointed! ;-)
Thank you, you can keep the change!
You say that two in the bush are worth ONE of these,
That the grass here is greener than THAT
But what must I do, just tell me please
When the bird in the hand has just shat.
cute.. we almost have a great view of future baby Mourning Doves.. light they built the nest on tipped over and the eggs broke..
Shaking it off your hands was the equivalent of a boy wiping away a girl's kiss. You were meant to close your fingers tightly over it and not wash your hands for a week after. Sheeesh, don't you people know anything about lucky poo??
Beautiful photo, beautiful video. Watching your finger caressing the little baby's back reminded me that I hadn't yet wished you a Happy Mother's Day. For all the dreams that you nurture, all the creations that toddle around your knees until they are strong enough to stand on their own, for your sharing and caring and daring to defend, thank you Mummy Elspeth!!
From the anointing to the Happy creative Mother's Day, thanks for the comments. Birdy Nyum Nyums, I don't think the Dove was insulted that I did not embrace her offering at first ... she was persistent and succeeded in giving me a lot more - mainly on my lap and legs. I eventually took her to Detta's (
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