Monday, May 08, 2006

The fate of the other 3 poems

Amongst the various interactive goodies contained in Tracy J's prized Diva Kit were three sealed envelopes. Written on each envelope was the name Diva and a red ink stamp saying URGENT. Each envelope contained one of the three other poems submitted for the Write a Poem to Diva experience: one by M. Church, one by theglasshermitage and one by Anonymous.

With these envelopes were instructions for Tracy J to give an envelope to three different people (either strangers or people know to him). He was asked to not explain what was going on, but to record each person's response upon reading their poem ... and write a report which he would send to me based on the experience. I asked him to do this because I felt that the people receiving these poems would inevitably be receiving messages for themselves. After all, such is the cosmic power of our friend Diva.




Blogger Kris Loya said...

hey chicky sorry bout d lack of reading/commenting - home stretch to exams - i'll be borrowing some divariffic energy and light to help see me through.
As always my thoughts are with you and i hope all is well!

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! Thank you tracy j for distributing the messages and reporting the interesting and moving reactions.Thank you Elspeth for the magical web that you are weaving.

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy j, you must rub the belly of that Buddha. That is the belly that brought forth wealth, good luck, and prosperity manifested in the wonderful person that you are...and plus it will certainly make her giggle. Your love for your mother is a wonderful, beautiful thing to behold. Hold on to that lady! I wish you both many wonderful surprises and happiness.

9:38 PM  

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