Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This week's Sunday Scribblings prompt is Inspiration

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Some of the heart shaped stones (and leaf) I found at the silent retreat this weekend. I usually find lots of heart shaped natural things, but this weekend in particular they jumped out at me everywhere as I walked on the beach, the grass or the road. There were so many that after a while I stopped picking them up. Even on my walk this morning, practically every time I looked down there was a heart-shaped something ... a stone, a leaf, an oil stain on the road, a hole, a dark spot of pitch ...

The thing that inspires me is Love. At the core of everything I do or am drawn to is Love in some aspect - the presence of it, the seeming absence of it, the quest for it, the desire for it, the finding of it, the feeling of it (or not), Love of self, love of someone, love of something, love of Spirit, etc etc etc. The list could go on. Both subconsciously and consciously Love is what drives me because at the core of me is always the desire to be it, have it and know it. I find it difficult if not impossible to do something meaningful and true without it.

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Blogger katie said...

I have always found nature to mimic us eventhough we always hope to mimic nature. I love the hearts...there is a beautiful book (that is out of print now) that is called The Butterfly Alphabet. This book consists of pictures that the author took over the span of his life that has letters in the designs on butterfly wings. Simply inspiring.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Alessandra Cave said...

The heart shaped rocks are so sweet! Love inspires me too. Finding true love specially inspired me to focus on me as an individual. Suddenly I was not stuck with looking for a relationship outside the one with myself anymore... I was free and supported to create the life of my dreams! Thanks for visiting! I enjoyed finding you as well :)

12:46 PM  

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