Friday, July 06, 2007

My Drum Spirits Prayer

Sacred Heart, where the drum class I'm going to is held.
I'm the only person in the class.

Spirit of Animal
Spirit of Tree
Spirit of Maker
Spirit of Me
Just now as I pulled out Dandelion to practise, I felt the need to connect in a special way and settle myself, as I was feeling scattered. Immediately the little prayer (written above) entered my head. Maybe more will come of it, but for now that's all. It is in honour of the Spirits that come together to tune me into myself so that I can connect with Dandelion and vice versa.

Spirit of Animal - whose skin is the drum skin
Spirit of Tree - whose wood is the body of the drum
Spirit of Maker - the maker who made the drum and also the Supreme Maker
Spirit of Me - Elspeth

I guess everyone has a different way of doing this. Muhtadi did a long drum roll to become centred. The teacher I have now (Peter) puts his hand on his drum and one on his heart and says something ... and he also puts a hand on my drum and says something. Other drummers must have other ways ... and maybe as time goes on these methods evolve until they settle as one thing to that one person. I don't know, I'm new.

For now ... from now on I'll say my 'Drum Spirits' prayer and envision the circular flow I usually see before starting.

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Blogger Gary said...

Most drummers I know start just playing right away, without getting centered. And what they play or how they play quickly gets on my nerves. Or anybody else's. I find it a better idea to think of drumming as something spiritual, and to start with a personal ritual like the ones you recorded here. Stick to your little prayer!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be lovely if we all invoked these spirits and invited a divine connection before undertaking anything.

I am reminded of the one time I ever learned anything about drumming. It was a one-day workshop and there were not enough drums to go around. The woman next to me and I shared one drum.

After I had practiced for a couple of minutes the new sequence just demonstrated by the teachers, I would pass the drum to M so she could practice. But after the real drum left my hands, I did not stop practicing. I just continued on the air drum now nestled between my legs. Truly more spirit than drum!

10:04 PM  

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