Wednesday, November 09, 2005

In Today's News ...

It is safe to love
Let go of fear
It is safe to be loved
Let go of resistance
It is safe to suceed
Let go of insecurity
It is safe to create
Let go of destruction
It is safe to have peace
Let go of turmoil
It is safe to be balanced
Let go of excess
It is safe to change
Let go of the comfort zone
It is safe to grow
Let go of stagnation
It is safe to believe
Let go of doubt
It is safe to trust
Let go of mistrust
It is safe to 'not know'
Let go of needing to know
It is safe to be light
Let go of darkness
It is safe to be light
Let go of heaviness
It is safe to flow
Let go of blockages
It is safe to be
Let go of not being
It is safe
Let go
Elspeth Duncan
for Happy Hippy News


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