Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye Europe, Hello Trinidad ...

Location: Leicester Square, London
Weather: Relentless rain
Hooray! I checked my e-mail yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find that I have been awarded an Award of Excellence (click on website, click on 'View Exhibition', then click on 'Award Received' under 'Browsing Spiritual VIII') for a black & white photograph I had submitted to the Spiritual VIII online art exhibition put on by the My Expose online gallery. The award offers me the choice between $100US and a year's free membership to My Expose. As I am already a member, I have opted to choose the year's free membership.
Today I found a bargain at Cass Art in London. They had reduced prices on all kinds of art materials, I bought some new tubes of acrylic paints which were going for 75p per tube. The tubes were fairly sizeable and I found this to be good value, so I got about 10 (as well as three larger tubes of other colours, also at reduced prices). In fact, the colours I ended up with were not the kinds of colours I would normally go for. I am usually drawn to deep colours (blues, greens, etc.) and, whilst I got some of those, I also got colours like bright orange, bright emerald, bronze ... and fluorescent pink. Let the fun begin.
In closing, I say goodbye to London and thank it for the experiences, moments and opportunities it has offered to me over the past few weeks. Goodbye also to Switzerland, which presented life as a clean slate ... or perhaps a clean canvas, now ready to be explored with my new paints.

And last but not least, hello to Trinidad which (even though I dread returning to the heat, traffic and other things that annoy and frustrate me from time to time) ... is home.



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