Friday, February 22, 2008

Screening and Dreaming (an invitation)

Great news for those of you who missed Friday night's Dream House launch and would like the opportunity to place your dream(s) into the lamp. The Dream House window lamp has moved from Alice Yard and is currently at the Raj Yoga Centre, lower St. John Road, St. Augustine. Feel free to go there at any time of the day or early evening and, once someone is present to open the door for you, please enter. There is a peaceful vibe inside. Spend some quiet time feeling out what you want to say, write your dream and slip it in to the Dream House. (Remember, when the real house is built, our dreams will be placed in a time capsule and buried in the forest, with a tree planted over them).
For those of you who missed the world premiere of the film, 'Invisible', this is an open invitation for you to attend a small but special screening this Sunday at the Raj Yoga Centre. If interested in attending, please contact me by phone (786-2539) by the close of today. I would like to confirm numbers to ensure adequate seating and refreshments.

'Invisible' screening
Date: Sunday 24 February 2008
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Raj Yoga Centre, lower St. John Road, St. Augustine
Admission: Free

The screening will be followed by a discussion and progress update on 'Veronica's House' and a discussion on the situation in TT involving children living with HIV/AIDS. Audience participation will be encouraged.

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