Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Step #6: Chew, digest, egest, end, begin

I had said that these questions would be the basis for Step #6. But ... I will leave them as questions ... to be 'chewed upon' and digested or egested by whoever comes across them.
The 'Steps' project began with Step #1, where I acknowledged that the first step was my willingness to go with the flow and see where it led without limiting it by definition. "The Flow" has since guided me to wean off the online documentation of the project.
I have not stopped it - in fact, it continues to evolve, but 'on the ground', where energy is going into action - in ways that I have not been documenting here.
When the 'Steps' project began, I wondered how many 'steps' it would take to 'find the answer' at 'the end'. 12 Steps? 99 Steps? There is no limit to the number of steps, as each one is an answer in itself ... and there is no end either, because the process is an ongoing one. In closing, it is my sincere wish that we all begin/continue to act upon the realisation that we are each an 'issue' as much as we are an 'answer' in dealing with the 'issues that affect our nation'.

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Full Moon Guardian Angel


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Elspeth, for the discoveries and insights you have shared so far on the Steps project. I am sure we will all continue to make our own steps and will carry with us some of the gems unearthed by the project to light our way.

For me, it has been Kajal’s question, “Will you be my friend?” and the other image which I often see in my mind is Howie’s fingers against his chest. Something about that just grabbed my heart. I saw in it an expression of sincerity, as in swearing on the heart, or a gesture to accompany the Trini word “frankomen”. For me it also represented a call, a drawing of the attention away from distracting vague concepts and perceptions to Howie as unique manifestation of humankind, to focus on the individual voice in the society, the man on the street, the little noticed soul with his own garden of hopes and dreams. The less we notice each other, the more isolated and thwarted we become, the more convinced that we do not share the same vision and cannot work together for good. Bless you. Bless us all.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Elspeth said...

Yes, Kajal's question is important.

7:13 AM  

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