Friday, December 22, 2006


(Change is the prompt for this week's Sunday Scribblings)

There is an old man who often stands by the traffic lights at the corner of the Eastern Main Road and El Dorado Road in Tunapuna and begs. He comes up to the car with his flat palm outstretched and says: "Change, please." Somehow whenever he says it to me, I don't hear him asking for money (although I have given him a few dollars on occasion). Something in the way he says "Change, please" makes it sound as though he is asking me to change as a person (whatever it is I need to change). Maybe he's an angel disguised as a beggar. He says that same "Change , please" to all the cars that stop at the red light. I wonder if everyone hears it the same way.


Blogger TMTW said...

I loved your outlook on it!

5:40 PM  
Blogger SpiffyTurtle said...

I love it! Change, please. :)

I try never to pass by a beggar without giving nor close my heart nor judge nor grumble in my head, "get a job." Because I know that the first time I do, THAT will be the one who was the angel in disguise.

I love the blog-warming party idea. I'm running with it! K

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely post! I love the way you 'hear' the beggars words, I'm sure most people don't hear him at all!

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How very creative and optimistic of you -- Keep it up!

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post!! I love how you look at the possibilites underneath his words... I think we have a lot to learn from words that have double meanings.

5:27 PM  
Blogger NuttersNotes said...

OUTSTANDING! Watch out or people may start accusing you of thinking like I do which is not like most of the world. You have found a friend!

Thanks for the thought.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really different point of view as well as original...

7:45 AM  

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