My hero ... and a special announcement

My first conscious memory of my hero, Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) was a small hardcover Ladybird book about her life, which I read as a child. I can still see one of the colourful images in particular: Joan, looking demure and innocent, is under a tree in a rural setting, wearing a dress with a small white scarf tied over her head. I think there was an animal with her - a white lamb or goat - and a humble house in the background with a thatched roof. The other image which stuck in my mind appears later in the book: she is clad in armour, charging on a large horse, her hand in the air (I think holding a flag), leading the troops into battle. Even back then, around age 6 or 7 or so, I remember being impressed. She stands for unwavering courage and single-mindedness of purpose: 'This is what I must do'.
On this note, tomorrow I will make a special, surprise announcement. Stay tuned.
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