Saturday, June 25, 2005

Twin Tapes: Transcription #5

The mother of the little girl from Transcription #4 responds to the 'Twin' statement ...
(Transcribed from dictaphone)
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Mother: Just read it?
Little Girl: Yeah, read it, but you have to say what it means to you.
Mother (reading): ... because I feel like I lapse in some things? I don't understand.
Little Girl: You want to hear my interview? Let her hear my interview. (Grasping for dictaphone) Where is review?
Happy Hippy: If you had to ... you don't understand anything? I mean, what does it make you feel? Do you have any questions?
Mother: I don't feel that a piece of me is missing. And the second part ... I don't understand.
Happy Hippy: You feel it refers to a piece of you?
Mother: How yuh mean? I don't feel like any twin was lost.
Little Girl: Mummy ... pretend you had a twin.
Happy Hippy: Actually there is no explanation. Everybody ...
Mother: I don't feel like I had any twin that was lost.
Happy Hippy: Okay.
Mother: So nothing is missing. So then I wouldn't feel ... lapse? What kinda lapse? Time?
(End recording)

Tomorrow: She asks me ...
And if you haven't said it already, what does it mean to you?
- Happy Hippy -


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