Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hero (and deadline)

Ironically, this week's Sunday Scribblings topic (or 'prompt' as they call it) is HERO ... and tomorrow (Friday 17th November @ midnight) is the deadline for submitting nominations for the Happy Hippy Hero's Award 2006.

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Click on the above logo to do so if you haven't already.

Some people have given me one of the following reasons as to why they haven't nominated anyone:
1. Gosh! I really have to write 200 words?!
2. I can't think of anyone to nominate.
3. I don't have time to fill out the form.


For a long time there was only one nomination (received on the very first day) from a woman in Texas who nominated herself. At first I thought it was a joke ... but she supplied her website address and it led me to what appeared to be a web community of hippies. I feel she saw 'Happy Hippy Hero's Award' and thought it applied to her. On her web page, her desires for the world were listed as things like peace, love, truth, etc. and she had some very positive and uplifting quotes at the bottom of her e-mail. Maybe she sincerely nominated herself because of how she thinks and what she believes in! If you ever read this, thanks for your nomination, Dixie J, but sorry. While I didn't say that you couldn't nominate yourself (which I must remember to add to the rules next year) the criteria state that you must nominate a Trinbagonian national or citizen.
The second nomination came a few days after. That one is valid.

The third nomination came about two days ago, ironically early on the morning of my miserable day. A friend of mine sent in a nomination with the most beautifully written and heartwarming reasons as to why her nominee should win. (I was her nominee). As she told me later, she had thought of a few different people, but I was the 'Hero' she really wanted to win. Well, it counts as a valid sentiment, but unfortunately it's not a valid nomination.

The fourth nomination was sent but never arrived. Quite by chance I found out it had been sent when the person, in passing, asked if it had been received. I said "no" and asked her to resubmit, which she did. It is valid.

So ... there are two valid nominations in the box so far (... and maybe more tomorrow before the deadline?) A little disappointing in terms of numbers, but at the end of the day, when it comes to the Award, it's not quantity, but quality that counts.


Blogger Ian russell said...

I love the name Elspeth, I don't mean anything by that other than what I say.
I don't know anyone from or living in T&T unfortunately, otherwise I would nominate a hero for the happy hippy awards. It's sounds a fun, good community scheme, so I hope you win! :o)

3:58 AM  
Blogger Elspeth said...

Thanks, Ian! ... and I know you didn't mean anything other than what you said :)

5:44 AM  
Blogger Annie Jeffries said...

I'm so sorry I did not find this link earlier. I'm off to work and by the time I get home it will be too late. I would have nominated skilled nursing caregivers as a group. They do one of the most difficult jobs in the world. The number of recoveries is far outnumbered by the losses they witness everyday.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were truly people who were daunted by 200 words? If anything, I would have been afraid of writing too much. Perhaps if they had been more aware of how much they can accomlpish with a mere sentence, they would have responded with more alacrity.
Look! 45 words! In the terms of your nomination, I would have already completed over 1/5 of it. If only those benighted fools knew...

7:41 AM  

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