And the 2007 winner is ...

With national elections in the air, some may read what I am about to announce and think: "But this is like Patrick Manning deciding to do away with elections, bold-facedly telling the nation that PNM is back in power and that he has chosen himself to be Prime Minister!" But no, it's not like that at all, thank God.
I am seeing my announcement purely from the basis of Love. You can only really love another/others when you can love and appreciate yourself fully. So, in complete love, honour and appreciation of myself, I hereby elect myself as the Happy Hippy Hero for 2007.
I have carefully read the criteria and believe that I am worthy of this prestigious award. There is no corruption or 'bobol' involved and my granting of this award is 100% transparent (I am openly telling you that I am giving it to myself this year).
1. Nominee must be born in T & T (or must be a citizen) and must be currently living in T & T
2. Someone whose work or continued contribution has one or all of the following: a positive, healing, empowering, uplifting, progressive impact on our society and/or environment - on a micro or macro level. (Does not have to be a member of an NGO, CBO, etc. May also be an 'everyday' person or ‘regular citizen’ who regularly goes about doing good deeds without thought of recognition or reward).
3. Someone who, in spite of financial and/or other obstacles, continues to believe in good and work tirelessly towards the realisation of dreams and goals connected to (i) a particular cause or (ii) the betterment of life
Normally the winner gets a piggy bank trophy (2006 was a wild clay quenk and 2005 was a large pink plastic pig). Having a piggy bank trophy symbolizes the winner receiving great things in miraculous amounts. I will not be giving myself a physical trophy, but I will gladly receive the great things in miraculous amounts.
The winner also receives a cheque from Happy Hippy Productions. Since I am Happy Hippy Productions, I can't give myself a cheque, but I will take that money and treat myself to something special ... especially as my birthday is coming up (7 October) and it is going to be a great one.
On this note, Thank You. I graciously accept the award being given.
Elspeth Duncan
Happy Hippy Hero 2007
Congratulations! I think you deserve it.
Happy Birthday
Congratulations, and happy birthday!
Congrats Spec- I wanted to nominate you but wasnt sure if it was allowed. You definitely deserve the award not just for the eg you set for leaping forward with so much love and energy into everything you do so selfishly but also by being a real good friend who's always there. Will send triple requests to the PTB for the realisation of the Beloved
Congrats :)
and Happy Birthday in advance :)
i can think of no one else that deserves this more.
I agree! You absolutely deserve this award. I'm like, one of your groupies. You're fantastic, creative, loving, compassionate, free...I love you! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Good choice. You deserve it.
I heartily second that decision. You deserve it for sure!
I certainly endorse you as the worthy recipient of this award. You exemplify selflessness and goodness. Continue to serve in the spirit of love!
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