Sunday, April 30, 2006

Off to the prison we go

This morning I will be leaving early to go to Carerra Island Prison. One of my friends, Glen, is a member of the Brahma Kumaris (Raj Yoga). They are going to the prison tomorrow as part of their prison work (interfaith services, etc.) and, as there was one extra space on the trip, Glen asked me if I wanted to fill it. Of course I said yes. I remember when I was doing Criminology (my MPhil) at Cambridge, we went to Holloway Women's Prison in London on a 'field trip' and all left thinking that if that was what prisons were like, it wasn't such a bad thing to be there. At least the parts they showed us were quite like an all-inclusive hotel: Olympic size swimming pool, art room, comfortably clean cells, etc. And we were shown around the facility by a friendly, smiling inmate who came across as a proud woman giving us a tour of her home. I feel Carerra will not have such luxuries and tour guides.
In other news, Diva continues to answer questions for the public. Don't miss your chance to know the secrets of the Universe.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

The search is over


Friday, April 28, 2006

Side step

Diva will still be answering questions today ... so don't miss out on the opportunity to tap into the Cosmic connection.

However, I will briefly side step to introduce the Greenlight Network, a group formed earlier this year by my friend Glen and I. It started off as an 'environmentally conscious' group that would embark on various projects, but has evolved to embrace 'the healing of our inner and outer environments'. After all, what is one without the other?

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The Greenlight blog/website is a work in progress, as is Greenlight itself. Looking at the mix of people involved so far, we are not 'environmentalists' per se, but we are mainly artists/creative people, yoga practitioners, business people, high school students, UWI students ... and more ... appreciative of Nature, cognisant of the fact that there are issues to be addressed and developing creative solutions upon which we can act. We are all based in Trinidad & Tobago, but we are open to international members. Ironically, our first and only international member so far is another Elspeth from Tasmania (the island off Australia)!

I won't go into Greenlight too much here today, but ... if you feel you would like to be a member and be involved in (or kept abreast of) our creative projects, activism and the raising of awareness (in self and others), send an e-mail from the site and I will put you on our mailing list.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

You can ask

Yesterday I received this comment in an e-mail from 'girlwithawindow' : "Not everyone can be an internet star, a muse and a divinity guru...Diva is an inspiration to us all to remain ourselves in spite of wherever we are placed. Given the complexity of Diva's messages, her telepathic skills are also nothing to scoff at."

Today Diva will be answering questions for the public, just as she answered me yesterday. I found her asnwer to be very helpful in the grand scheme of things. You can pose your personal questions to Diva in the comments section below. Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and use it wisely. As girlwithawindow said, Diva's skills are "nothing to scoff at."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ask Diva

Dear Diva,

All of a sudden I find myself swamped with bread-and-butter type work, deadlines, meetings and various other tasks - all of which demand much of my time and make me unable to focus on You as I would like to. I would prefer to just be immersed in You. Please help.



Dear Confused,

I understand why you want to focus on me and not on writing meaningless ads about software and credit unions and having meetings to discuss public awareness and strategy. I represent the true freedom of your Creative Spirit and connection to the Divine. You currently do not feel as if these two things are present in any of your other tasks, but they are. You are never separate from your Creative Spirit or from the Divine. Everything carries important messages and lessons for you - which is why you are called to do these other things from time to time.

This present time dictates that you must be immersed in the mundane in order to bring balance to your process and direct your energy through other channels. Otherwise the parts of you that are applied to those tasks will get rusty and fall away. When immersed in the mundane, be in it, but not of it. In this way you will bring something new to (or see something new in) even the seemingly 'dullest' task.

Do not forget that you are committed to your Creative Spirit and that you have been consistent in following its directives (with increasing clarity and precision) since you were a child. Everything along this path is preparing you for the day when ... (you will know what I mean when that day comes).

Begin to cast away what is not needed.

Open up to what is there.

And do not fear.



Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Yesterday's post ended up appearing late is the day, as Blogger had a power outage (or something) in the morning and whenever I pressed the "Publish Post" button nothing was happening.

Rushing this morning (to make a 7 a.m. meeting) ... but I will be back tomorrow, hopefully with accounts of beloved Diva's continued evolution.



Monday, April 24, 2006

Lightness of Being

The other day when I went to buy beads for Diva, I ended up not purchasing a single bead ... but, instead, 'catching a vapse' and going to the hairdresser to shed my tresses. Many people say things like: "But why did you cut your hair?! You know how many people go to the hairdresser to get hair like yours?!"

For me the cutting of hair is not for reasons of 'style'. On one level, the time had come when I knew my hair needed a fresh start. On another level, the cutting of hair is extremely freeing in not only a physical, but a spiritual sense. Old energy falls to the floor with every clip of the scissors. Then, as the shears plough through the last remaining thickness, the job of 'becoming lighter' is completed.

When the job was done, I felt very thankful for the sensation - and glad that I had followed my instincts. I looked in awe at the huge sea of long spirals swirling on the floor around me. They were the result of four years of growth since the last time I had shaved off my hair. How many thoughts, wishes and experiences had grown into those strands in that time? The fallen ringlets looked strange, as though they had never been a part of me.

So ... thanks to a spontaneous trip to get beads for Diva, I am now lighter. I suppose one could then say that Diva is not only a being of light, but she brings about lightness of being.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Web of Intention

While the poets were at work creating a poem for Diva, I was busy creating the beaded web for her final flower pane. Read how the web was inspired here.

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A segment of the web against the flower pane

I have left a strand of the web bare, without beads, so that it can be used in a way similar to a clothesline. On this clothesline, Diva's new owners can hang a small piece of paper with any intention, wish or prayer they wish to manifest. Diva's light, shining from behind, through the flower pane and through the web, will energise what is written on the paper and bring it to life (and light). Once the intention or prayer has been realised, it can be removed from the 'web-line'. Even if removed before, that's okay. Once the light of Diva soaks through it, the process of manifestation has already begun. Therefore, the owner(s) can put a new intention, wish or prayer every day if they so desire.

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As Diva inches her way towards completion, things are happening on many levels:
1. The Diva Kit waits to be presented to Poet of the Lamp, Tracy J.
2. The poems from the two Poets of the Lamp wait to be applied
3. The interactive situation involving the other poems waits to be activated


Saturday, April 22, 2006


Yesterday's Prayer Vigil Marathon, organised by the people of the Southwestern Peninsula:

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Holding candles which were shielded from the wind by styrotex cups, the crowd walked from the savannah across the road from All Saints Church and the American Embassy to White Hall.
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The crowd stood in front of the White Hall with candles in the air, as Part 2 of the Prayer Vigil marathon took place. Prayer Vigil Batons (a special prayer cylindrically rolled on paper and tied with ribbon) were passed to leaders of different communities from across the island (who were present).
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Friday, April 21, 2006

Announcing the two Poets of the Lamp

Notice I am calling them "Poets of the lamp" and not 'winners'. This is not about 'winning' or 'losing', but rather about which poem gets placed where. The two poems chosen by J.A.H. will be featured on the lamp. To find out how the others are used interactively, stay tuned for upcoming posts. I personally found that all of the pieces spoke to Diva in their own way, adding more to her dimensions through the perspectives of those who have been seeing her evolve over the past few months. To borrow Angelboy's title, each piece was in fact a "Love Spell". It is almost time for Diva to manifest fully and the energy in all of the 'poetic spells' has surely spurred her on. Now ...

Announcing the Poets of the Lamp
as chosen by J.A.H. from the Write a poem to Diva experience,
(scroll down)
by Poet of the Lamp Guanauanare.
Windows breaking free from their frames
Are released to be never open or shut
To be themselves, not holding anything within or without
Diva, help me to stand true in any light.
The judge's comments: I like the originality with which the Diva is portrayed in this poem. It does not show the Diva as we expect in a well-developed, strong personality but the Diva that is becoming. The writer's call for the Diva to 'help her/him stand true in any light' brings another dimension to the Diva, that of a spiritual being. I truly liked this conceptualisation of the Diva.
(scroll down for the second Poet of the Lamp)

Diva Vibrations (Di-vibrations)
by Poet of the Lamp Tracy J.
Divibrations pour out
Like light it pours out
Like love it pours out
Like sunlight it rays, rays, rains on me.
The Judge's comments: I enjoyed this poem for its funky rhythm. There is a kind of swagger in the words and the beat. The power of the Diva in bringing these positive vibrations of light and love is simply yet dramatically portrayed and the writer's awe, respect and love for the Diva again gives the Diva a mystical persona, as the writer portrays the Diva as external to as well as internal to him/herself.
Congratulations to the two Poets of the Lamp! Tracy J, you will be receiving your Diva Kit next week. Please contact me with your mailing address so it can be delivered. Guanaguanare, as I had said, if you were one of the chosen two (which you did in fact end up being), Diva's heavenly winged messengers would have to deliver to you. Pay particular attention to your dreams within the next seven nights to receive your blessings, courtesy Diva's messengers. And both of you, stay tuned to see how Diva incorporates your poems.
To the other poets, thank you again and, as I said yesterday, your poems will also be used in an interactive way. Stay tuned to find out how.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Finally ... JAH speaks

Yesterday was the closing date for thewrite-a-poem-to-Diva experience. I sent the poems via e-mail to Judge J.A.H. and she was swift and seamless with her task. Within about an hour I received the results ... along with general and specific comments. The specific comments were made in relation to the two poems J.A.H. chose for Diva ... so those comments will be featured tomorrow when I announce the featured 'poets of the lamp'. Below I will feature J.A.H.'s generic comments.
J.A.H.'s GENERAL COMMENTS: Interestingly enough, the entries indicate many sides of the Diva. There is the Diva in the true essence of personality and potential, the Diva that channels energy and the Diva that becomes suddenly aware of her/his truth. All the entires show remarkable potential in the ability to capture the essence of the Diva with limited words. Some entries though leave me hanging as if the writer wanted to say more but didn't, based on competition guidelines, and I would like to encourage these writers to write the whole script of their divas, just for the sake of the Diva and themselves.
J.A.H.'s CLOSING COMMENTS: All the Diva scripters - continue to write and celebrate the Diva in all its potential and possibility, and you will continue to be surprised each time you encounter your Diva within!
Thanks, Judge J.A.H., for selecting the two poems to be incorporated into the Diva (to be announced tomorrow). And to all of the participants, thanks again for your willingness and poetic offerings. Even if your poem is not one of the chosen two, don't despair. They will also be incorporated into the process ... in an interestingly interactive way.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A quickie

Just a quick note to say that today (at 6:00 p.m.) is the final day for acceptance of submissions to the poem to Diva venture. Submit yours here for your chance to become one of two to win a Diva Kit and have your four-line piece featured on Diva the window lamp.
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Diva in the early days, liming with Pippa.
Thanks to the five who have thus far submitted pieces: Angelboy, Church, Guanaguanare, theglasshermitage and Anonymous (who did not submit as an official entry but 'just wanted to sing to the Diva').

Judge J.A.H. is very excited about seeing the poems.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Amazing spiders

Since yesterday I have been encountering a lot of spiders. Just now, when going into a cupboard in the kitchen, there was one sitting quietly to the front near the hinge of the door. For some reason I felt warmly drawn to it in the way that I would feel drawn to a small puppy. As a stood there absorbed in its simple movements, a voice popped into my head out of nowhere: "Diva is amazing!" At that moment it occurred to me that Diva's flowery pane which was taking me so long to work on is actually in the beginning stages of becoming a web!
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Whilst the poem to Diva has been going on (submit yourshere), I have been working on Diva, inspired by the feeling that the final pane represents the music of the spheres (an ancient doctrine originating with the Greeks that implies that the universe and everything in it is in harmony). The concept for Diva is the stringing of very fine copper wire with coloured translucent beads across the pane, with each end of the wire tied around small nails inserted into the frame. (I will go and search for beads later). These beaded strings represent the droplets of colour in a rainbow, but also the harmonics of the cosmic music of the spheres, created by the eternal revolutions of the planets (according to Pythagoras, producing "harmonious sounds only the truly inspired can hear").

Today, looking at the spider, it struck me that the music of the spheres relates to the symbolism of the spider as well: mainly the interconnectedness of life.

It would take too long to get into all the deeper meanings and levels of connectedness I see in all of this, but I just wanted to mention that. Everything is connected. We are all pulling strings and weaving our webs. Interesting time to mull over the spider as a power animal.



Monday, April 17, 2006

Meanwhile ...

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Diva is simply glowing as a result of all the sumptuous lyrics being written to her. So keep those poems coming. Submit yours here. I am working on her behind the scenes and she is slowly but surely coming together. I will need to get some materials, however, so some aspects of her development will have to wait until Tuesday when the public holidays are over and shops re-open.
Response to request
A request was made by Guanaguanare, the laughing gull to not have his Diva Kit posted to him if his poem was one of the winners. Laughing Gull, you say postmen can't reach where you live - and by this, I understand that you mean the sky. Indeed, TTPost employees have only been trained and equipped to deliver mail on land, not via air. (The Government won't even lend them the blimp for this purpose). But you forget you're dealing with Diva, who has a host of heavenly winged creatures at her beck and call. So have no fear. If your poem is selected as one of the two, you will receive your delivery via heavenly messenger. The most reliable service.
Slight Adjustment
Sorry to keep adjusting the deadline. It's still Wednesday 19th April, 2006 ... but poem-to Diva submissions will close at 6 p.m. on that date rather than midnight. This is at the request of our judge, J.A.H..

The two winners will be announced on Friday 21st April, 2006.



Sunday, April 16, 2006

More poems to Diva

Good to see that some more poems to Diva were submitted yesterday. Just a gentle reminder to those who submitted (or might submit) their poems without titles ... don't forget to put a title. If you've already written a poem without a title, you can add a title as a 'P.S.' and I will put it with your poem when I e-mail all the entries to the judge. I did mention "with title" in the rules, so you don't want the judge, J.A.H., to have any opportunity to disqualify you. I think she's pretty serious about her job.

Thanks to the Anonymous person who didn't want to 'compete', but just wanted to sing praises to the Diva. What an honourable gesture. I don't really like the word 'compete', anyway. This definition begins with "striving against others to attain a goal ... etc." I don't think the Spirit of Diva would encourage us to strive against others for anything. She's more of a harmonius being, who would encourage us to strive with others to achieve our goals and desires.

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However ... only two of the poems will be able to fit on the areas of the lamp that I have allocated for that purpose. Submit your poem here and you just might be one of the chosen two. New deadline: Wednesday 19th April, 2006 ... with winners to be announced on Friday 21st April, 2006. Hope you are all having an enjoyable Easter weekend.



Saturday, April 15, 2006

JAH is the only Judge

Well, last night the one I had asked to be the second judge decided to pass on it, so rather than ask someone else, I've decided to leave it all to JAH. In a symbolic and cosmic sense, I find this very powerful. From the beginning, Diva has had a strong spiritual element to her, especially with her name also meaning "Goddess" in Italian. I therefore find it amazing and fitting that Jah has chosen to officiate.

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A photo from the day I had removed Diva's top pane.

Remember, the deadline has been extended to Wednesday 19th April, 2006 ... with winners to be announced on Friday 21st April, 2006. Your poem to Diva can be submitted in the comments section here.


Friday, April 14, 2006

Introducing Judge #1: JAH

Joanne Haynes (also known as Joanne Allong-Haynes - JAH) is a writer who is inspired by motherhood, life and people. She is the winner of the Trinidad Theatre Workshop's Derek Walcott Children's Literature Prize (2005). Here's what she wants to share with you: I believe that writing is the stimulator and the balmer of the soul. I would like to see people using it more as a medium of expression, even outside of the realm of writing for publishing ... To use it as a tool for getting in touch with oneself.

On the topic of writing a poem for Diva, Joanne had this bit of advice: Get in touch with the Diva in you and free her ... or him.
I've decided to feature each judge separetely. Judge #2 will be introduced tomorrow.
To submit your 'Poem to Diva', CLICK HERE and post it in the comments section.
Don't be shy. So far two people have submitted. Also ... because of the long weekend, the deadline for submissions has been extended to midnight on Wednesday 19th April, 2006 ... with winners to be announced on Friday 21st April, 2006.



Thursday, April 13, 2006

Write a poem to Diva

... and you could win your very own Diva Kit!

Diva loves to be adored. This characteristic of hers has inspired a special interactive phase which allows you to be directly involved in the creation of the Diva window lamp. How? By writing a poem to Diva. The two winning poems (one of which could be yours!) will be incorporated as part of the window lamp.
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1. Write an original four-line poem (with title) to Diva. Your poem can be one of admiration, adoration, love, respect, honour, awe ... and any such sentiments which Divas expect their fans to feel for them. Please be sincere, as Diva can smell hypocrisy a mile away.
2. Submit your poem in the comments section below this post. Try not to read other people's poems before you write yours. Diva doesn't like her fans to be influenced by other sources. She wants your offerings to be pure and undiluted.
DEADLINE: Tuesday 18th April, 2006 (Poems submitted after this date will not be acknowledged).
JUDGES: The two judges will be introduced in a separate post tomorrow.


NOTE: Submissions by those who wish to be "Anonymous" will not be accepted, as the winners will be required to send me their real names and mailing addresses via e-mail (in order to receive their prizes). If you want to use a code name or your regular blogging name in the comments section, that's fine. But if you win, you must reveal your real name (via e-mail) for postage purposes.
For those of you who may not be too familiar with Diva (or who may want a refresher on her life story), the following are all the links to the posts about her:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I am Diva's Deviant

Admittedly I have been a deviant when it comes to Diva. I have neglected her for too long and this needs to be rectified.
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Diva as she was in the beginning

It's really the embossed flower pane that's stumping me. I don't want to put anything over it, yet I don't merely want to leave it as is. I have an idea though, which I will pursue ...
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The embossed flower pane.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yesterday's Journey

Yesterday I was baptized,
Away from it all.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Environmental Blog?

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This year a few people have referred to this blog as 'an environmental blog'. Hearing that surprised me, because I never thought about it as an environmental blog or intended it to be that. It's still "my daily evolving Creative Portal". I guess in evolving daily it has come to embrace more of the 'environmental' ... so I realise why someone would classify it as such. Lately (as of 2006) much of my content has dealt with issues such as the proposed aluminium smelters, pollution and animal-related causes, both wild and domestic.

But these are not the only things that constitute 'our environment'. It is limiting for us to think of environment only as 'flora and fauna'. The other day at the S.A.G.H.S. anti-smelter awareness talk, Cathal (environmental engineer) defined the environment as everything around us, inclusive of the stars, the moon, sun, solar system. The entire Universe is 'our environment'. I would imagine that even our bodies (inner and outer) are 'our environment'. And everything we do affects our environment - as intimate and as endless as it is. So, in the sense that our environment is everything inside and around us, I guess it is appropriate to say that this is 'an environmental blog'.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Two Seans

Yesterday, on my way to the Museum for the little concert being put on in association with S.E.A.N. (which stands for Stop Elderly Abuse Now), I went to the rally/forum for Sean Luke in Woodford Square, POS. The latter started at two p.m. and the S.E.A.N. concert started at 3 p.m. Since I was doing something at the concert, I was only able to stay an hour at the forum.
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A section of the crowd at the Sean Luke rally
I'm not good at estimating crowd numbers, but for the time I was there, there were not that many people. Perhaps two hundred plus. Normally I don't notice race, but upon arrival I could not help but observe that I was the only non-Indian person there. This changed a bit within the hour, but still 97% were East Indian. Nothing at all wrong with that, but ... the sad thing is that people will look at that and dismiss it as "Is only Indian dere ... is a UNC ting." It's not a 'UNC ting'. It was the organisers (the IBN Station) sincerely responding to a call from the family of Sean Luke to have a rally for the cause. Trinidadians need to stop classifying things as UNC or PNM and just realise that it's about people who live on one island (regardless of their race) coming together for whatever-the-reason.
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Lots of children had placards at the rally
Similar comments were made at the no smelter/inter-faith walk in Catham/Cap-de-Ville the other day. A man saw me taking photos, thought I was the media, pulled me aside and said "You know what going on here? Is a political ting. Watch what goin' dong wit dem people. Is a UNC ting!" What a waste of energy and what an insult to people's good intentions to constantly tie their genuine efforts for change to political objectives. Even our dear PM announced: 'those people have ulterior motives'.
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The National Museum where the S.E.A.N. concert was held
Anyway ... the national anthem opened the rally, followed by prayers from the Hindu, Christian and Muslim faiths. During the first speech (given by a lawyer), I had to leave, as it was already 3 p.m. and I had to be at the museum. I wonder what the rally achieved and how the people who were there felt during it and after it. I know for me, the moment of impact was when (during the final opening prayer) a sudden strong wind started to blow with great intent, swirling leaves around our feet ... as though responding to the call for transformation.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Things happening today

The organisers at IBN have made alterations to today's rally for Sean Luke. It is now taking the form of a forum, to be held from 2 p.m. at Woodford Square, P.O.S. In yesterday's comments the topic of 'marches and rallies and t-shirts' and their effectiveness (or lack thereof) was raised. Whether or not they are effective, if you feel sufficiently moved to attend, then you will go.
Souvenirs Of My Soul
Celebration of Life

Presented by

Centre for Creative and Festival Arts (CCFA) - UWI
in collaboration with the
Coalition Against Domestic Violence - (SEAN) Program

Performances by

* Sheldon Blackman
* Paula Obe
* Bro. Resistance
* Soft Touch
* Bro. Valentino
* Black Sage
* Elspeth Duncan
* SEAN Link Angels and Elders.

At the

National Museum and Art Gallery
Keate St., POS

Saturday April 8, 2006

Admission: FREE!!

“We turn not older with years, but newer everyday.”
Emily Dickinson


Friday, April 07, 2006

Who's in power today?

A few years ago someone said to me: "
The three greatest powers in this world are God, Love and Money.
In that order."
An anonymous person left a very long comment yesterday. What they left is something that has been circulating as a 'forward' since the wear-black-turn-on-your-lights Friday in response to Sean Luke's killing.
Whilst what the content of the e-mail suggests is positive and makes an effort to motivate people, the line that strikes me is "We wore black yesterday. What are we supposed to do today?" To whom is that question directed? The next person who's going to plan a march or tell the nation what colour t-shirt to wear? I don't mean to pick on words, but that word "supposed" jumped out at me. What does "supposed" really mean? To me, it indicates a level of powerlessness and a level of you-just-lay-down-the-rules-and-I-will-obey-them-because-that's-how-you-say-it-should-be. I can envision a herd of sheep asking the sheepdog "Where are we supposed to go in this wide open field the shepherd has placed us into?" It is a word that indicates a sense of being lost, confused, unsure. "Am I supposed to be here .. or there?" It is a word that asks for answers and reaches out for guidance ... a word that expects a leader (or someone who 'knows') to be at the end of it ... a word that gives up a sense of having your own opinion and your own answers. Are today's Trinidadians powerless, lost, confused, unsure, lacking an opinion?
This brings me back to the point I was making in the project I embarked upon some months ago: STEPS. Someone had asked me what steps I would take to deal with the issues affecting our nation (if I were Prime Minister). The fact is, unless Patrick M is reading this, no-one reading this is PM and, I'm sure, none of you wish to be. Why wait for someone else to tell us what we are supposed to do if we are longing for 'the right thing'? The forwarded e-mail suggests: (1) STOP DOING ONE THING THAT'S NOT GOOD (2) START DOING ONE THING THAT'S GOOD. Very simple ... or is it?
It is sad that we (humans in general) must be reminded to be good. Am I supposed to be good today or am I supposed to be bad?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I.M. Developer

Dear Mr. Developer, today I dedicate my little poem (below) to those of you 'in power' who continue to thrust your often unwanted, undiscussed and unenlightened development plans upon this nation.
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Such a beautiful place I've never seen!
So wild and windswept, vast and green!
The perfect place for a millenium city!
With highways and housing it will look so pretty!
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One of the "God Forbid" posters erected by the famers in Tucker Valley asks why so much is being destroyed just for 400 houses.
Second version of the poem:
Such a beautiful place I've never seen!
So wild and windswept, vast and green!
The perfect place for a millenium city!
With aluminium smelters it will look so pretty!
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

True Guide (a Happy Hippy visual poem)

Along the path of Life, there is evidence of Love in simple things and, in unexpected moments, when messages present themselves for our interpretation, we are pointed in divinely designated directions.
Do not be afraid of being led by this often inexplicable flow.
Do not be confused by the sacred lines inscribed on the map of your Soul.
The one true guide will always steer you home.
(Click on the purple words to reveal the images)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Second wind for A - Z

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Yesterday morning I went with Michael and Tenisha (two UWI students) to my alma mater, St. Augustine Girls High School (S.A.G.H.S.) where we put up the A - Z of Aluminium Smelters artwork (which had originally been created for the sensitisation meeting at CCA7). The purpose of displaying the pieces around the school (on notice boards and blackboards in the hallways and auditorium) was to sensitise the girls (and the teachers) ... or at least to get them curious ... in preparation for the talk Cathal (friend/environmental engineer/R.A.G. member) will be giving today from 9 - 10 a.m. To intensify the impact of the A - Z pieces around the school, the A - Z video will also be shown at the presentation.
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Many of the girls were curious and asked us what the letters stood for. Some of them knew vaguely about the smelter. Others didn't know about it at all. However, by the end of today's presentation, they will all know.
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Monday, April 03, 2006

Rally for Sean Luke

I was going to write about something else today, but then this morning I got the following e-mail from Inshan Ishmael, manager of the Muslim Station, IBN (Channel 8). I mentioned them the other day in relation to my Please Stand video, which they adopted as an anthem.

(Inshan's e-mail):
Dear Elspeth,
Our Station was asked by the family of Sean Luke to put together a Rally urgently...We have begun to do so and we have decided on the following -

Date - Saturday 8th April 2006
Time - 10:00 am
Venue - Brian Lara Promenade...

Please spread the word...


Inshan Ishmael

(My response, sent as a forward to my e-mail list ... and now also to you):

Dear All, this message was sent to me by Inshan Ishmael, manager of IBN (Muslim Station, Channel 8). I only came across them personally within the past fortnight, but so far in my experience with them, I see they are very supportive of important causes and communities in need. They have very generously supported me in one of my efforts and I will support them in their efforts. According to Inshan, they act as a voice for the voiceless (which is the way I also often feel about my own work).

I know many are fed-up of hearing the words ‘rally’ or ‘march’ and wonder what the purpose of any mass movement is. In fact some have even become immune to the word “march”. But there is strength in numbers – especially at this time in TT’s history when unity and numbers will count. Sometimes we cannot stop to ask “What will this do? What effect will this have?” … because sometimes there is no immediate or ‘logical’ answer … and we may end up doing nothing because we so want to know the ‘outcome’ before it presents itself.

If you have additional questions or wish to assist IBN in any way, Inshan’s cellular number is below his name. Please spread the word.


N.B. I have not published his cellular number here, but if anyone would like to contact him, I can put you in touch. Thanks.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Where do I begin?

I just returned home after camping out at the Carina Star Party (2006). It was held on the top of the hill in Chaguaramas near the satellite. My friends and I carried edibles and drinkables, tarpaulin to lie on, blankets, etc. There were perhaps about 100 people there in all (maybe more, maybe less), spread out across the field with tents and tarpaulin. We were given star maps outlining the different constellations. Around 7 p.m. there was a projection onto a screen in the middle of the field, showing constellations ... and a man from CARINA pointed out the real thing in the sky with his high beam torch. It was intriguing. Later, we viewed some planets through powerful telescopes. I saw a fairly large Saturn with its ring clearly defined. Also saw Jupiter with its surrounding moons and two red bands across its middle. Amazing. When one checks out the astrological/metaphysical meanings of these planets, it is interesting to observe that these two planets were the ones that were focused on. What are the underlying messages for us all at this time? Saturn: planet of Time, Discipline, responsibilities and hard work. And then there is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. If you have the time, it's interesting to read what these planets signify from another perspective.

Some of my friends did not stay overnight - they left around midnight. Others who did, slept in a tent, but I got into my sleeping bag out in the open field, on the tarpaulin, head wrapped in a blanket to keep off the dew ... and slept. It was an interesting night's sleep, with very intense dreams - the kind that are brimming with messages. I woke up as usual around 3:30 a.m. and meditated ... after which I gazed up at the stars and said a prayer about 'everything'.

Anyway ... being there stirred up other feelings ... especially when dawn broke and I heard the red howler monkeys howling in the forests around us ... the flapping of birds wings so close to my head that I jumped ... the twittering and calls of life as Nature woke up to the day. This is what made me feel at peace ... as much as it made me feel "at war". Is there no escape from the feeling that this Government wants to rape this country of all of its beauty? I have so much to say that perhaps, right now, I will say nothing. Emotionally, I feel a strange mixture of calm conviction and disbelief which borders on a cross between anger and pity. Maybe later, when I have settled down I will put up the photos and write my observations.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Turn on your inner light

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One of my headlights.
Throughout the day, I saw many people from all walks of life, male, female, old, young, wearing all-black, walking the streets, driving in cars, sitting in eating places. Not everyone, but many. One of the things that moved me most was seeing towering Mack trucks and lorries driving slowly and respectfully with their lights on, even if they had things like F*&$ OFF and GET LOST emblazoned all over them. It said to me that even the seemingly 'toughest and baddest' can be moved ... but not everyone was ... Click here to read about one of yesterday's experiences.

On my way home from town around 1:30, I stopped in at Adam's Bagels. The eating area was a sea of mainly women, all dressed in black, eating, talking and laughing. It was a very stark image ... and I noticed that whereas black is usually perceived as being heavy or as a symbol of sadness, yesterday it appeared light and hopeful.

Even though word from the Gov't (re the Sean Luke crime) was not forthcoming and, as reported in the papers, no sympathies were extended from Gov't to grieving family, I did not get the sense that people were 'blaming' the Government for their inability to fight crime - as usually happens when something goes wrong on a national scale. From snippets I heard here and there, including a few comments left on this blog yesterday, people are realising that it all starts at home. We all, even 'the Government', started at home.

In this Express article, it is reported that one of the young suspects in the Sean Luke case had been caught last Friday by the mother of a two year old girl, taking off the little girl's underwear. Nothing was reported. Why? Was it not 'serious' enough to warrant a report? Was the mother afraid of (a) the police or (b) the boy? Did she feel that the police would have ignored her report? (After all they did ignore Sean Luke's mother until she turned to the US Embassy to report her missing son). 'Starting at home' does not only apply to the proper bringing up of children ... it applies to those who must report what is witnessed, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Sometimes witnesses are afraid to report abuse. Sometimes the relevant authorities don't know how to deal with such reports - if they deal with them at all. Some victims do not know where to turn. Here is a place to start (Childline, Trinidad). Child Line International lists addresses for child help globally.

After the 'solidarity' of yesterday, many might be asking - what's next? Did wearing black and driving with lights on give a glimmer of hope which the nation will struggle to hold onto in the days that follow? Did it send home the message that swift mobilisation of masses is possible? Did it wake more people up to the fact that in order to truly get the ball of positive transformation rolling, we must wait on no-one but ourselves?